Sunday, August 17, 2008

So What's Next?


Scott A Anderson said...

I think that it would be wise to hold off on beginning the next study till after celebration.

Jordan said...

I agree. Study and meditate on Romans 6. Be prepared and ready to learn and hear.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly I won't be able to make it to celebration but I will be praying for you guys.

Anonymous said...

I did want to ask you guys though, since I won't be going to celebration, what specific ways can I be praying for you during that time?


Jordan said...


Thanks for asking.In a nutshell... Please pray that the truths of Romans 6 of the FREEDOM we have in Christ, becomes more alive in my heart. That I would be more aware of my freedom from sin than ever before, which would translate into a heart that does not sin all the more, but the rejoices and glorifies Christ all the more. What a gift we have!!! I love being free from sin and a slave now to righteousness. I know I don't deserve that!!! May my life reflect that.

Marvin033 said...

Yes. One of the ways romans 6 has become alive in my heart is to take a look at passages in scripture where different people have encountered the savior and there lives have been dramatically changed by it. We took some time this past sunday in CM to look at 4 different "characters" of scripture 1) the apostle paul 2) Peter 3) the woman at the well and 4) (though much harder to see) the paralytic (Luke 5?) To dive in to see how Christ had set them free from the power of sin. It's amazing as well to go through the OT and just to look at each and every time God punished sin, and the overwhelming thought begins to race through you mind of "I would never be able to uphold the law at all times..I'm a goner!"' If you search just the word "sin" it is found 390 times in the bible..and to see how seriously God takes sin makes grace and mercy all the more sweeter! Thanks be to Christ who has fullfilled the law and set us free from sin!

Candace said...

Hope you all have a great time! I can't wait for Celebration North! I will be praying for you all.