Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 10

Ps. 34: "8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!9 Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints,for those who fear him have no lack!"

What a glorious truth this is! Our God is GOOD. His goodness is something we should be praying about everyday. And as Spurgeon said, encourage us to pray. May I take my refuge in Him and fear the Lord! In His goodness He blesses and takes away, in both we will have no lack! Oh! Lord thank you for richly pouring out your grace in my life! Forever you are good! Let me never forget your kindness and faithfulness to me. In you is everything good thing! You are so good, slow to anger and abounding in love. You give us life! You protect and guide! You go before us and sent your Son, who defeated death! You have given us hope! Thank you Lord, for you are good!


Candace said...

Great Posts! Thanks for reminding us of God's goodness and faithfulness to His children.

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

Oh, I LOVE this Psalm! It is SO true. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy don't I remember this? Why do I complain????