Tuesday, August 5, 2008


"Every true heart-prayer, that is accepted of God, first came from God. How does God put prayers into a man's heart? I answer, first, he instructs us how to pray. We none of us know how to pray aright till we have been to school to the Holy Spirit. We know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit comes, and shows us our need. Thus we see what to pray for. But I have also known him do it in the sweeter way, as he did with David, by filling the heart with joy till we have been so glad and grateful that we have felt that we must pray, as David did, on another occasion, when he said, "Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live."So, the Lord puts prayer into our heart by instructing us how to pray and by inclining us to pray."

How true this is! It is God who place prayers in our hearts and inclines us to pray. What a gift the Holy Spirit is. We would have no idea what to pray for or have a desire to pray if He had not first put it there. And as we pray prayers placed in our hearts by God, Jesus is perfecting them for us and also interceding on our behalf!!! How kind of the Lord! We can pray without ceasing, because it is the Lord who is giving us and instructing us by the spirit on what to pray and how to pray!

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