Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Anyway in which I can pray for you this week?


Anonymous said...

To get through Bash week without getting sick. I am battling a cold right now and got dress rehearsal tonight and the Bash on Friday. Thanks

Candace said...

Oh Kayla, you are such a gem! Thank you so much for your constant desire and faithfulness to be in prayer for others. As with many people (I’m sure), I have been provoked time after time through your example in this area. Thank you!

I would love prayer in the areas of trusting God and finding overflowing joy in Him. The Lord has extended much grace to me in these areas recently but I don’t want to be content where I am. Because of the grace He’s extended, I’ve had a delight and peace in my heart during difficult times. In finding that delight in Him, by His grace, He's given me a desire to continue to grow in these areas.

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I am trying to find some fellow believers to champion this family in need of prayers and help. I have found it to be difficult. If "many" would just take the time to give the price of a cup of coffee we could make a difference. This family has spent all there retirement monies on cancer surgeries and treatments and now have something like $10,000/year out of pocket expenses for oral chemo and other medicines. Carol, who is the mother of this blogger, has had her entire colon removed and also a radical bilateral masectomy. Her future is uncertain but wouldn't it be nice if "us" brothers and sisters in Christ would come by their side and help them in this time of need.