Monday, October 20, 2008

The Gospel of Glory

I love how Paul ends this section. What a great reminder it is of what our responsibility, as Christians, is to be.

1 Timothy 1:11-In accordance with the glorious gospel of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.

Entrusted: To give over (something) to another for care, protection, or performance.

Matthew Henry says, “Paul reckoned it a great honor put upon him, and a great favor done toward him, that this glorious gospel was committed to his trust.”

In this verse we see the glory and grace of the gospel. The gospel is a commitment of trust. It is a glorious trust, because the gospel that has been committed to us is a glorious gospel; it is a trust of very great importance! When we commit to Christ we are called to this trust which He has graciously given us! We are no longer self-sufficient people but are under the care and sovereignty of our Lord and Savior. Christ has entrusted us with “this” life and we are responsible to hold fast to His truths and obey His commandments. Our hope in all things should rest upon Christ and the work He has accomplished. Oh the grace that He extends upon my life daily that I can even be found faithful in this great trust! Every day God’s glory appears in the works of creation and His providence, but much more in the gospel, where it shines in the face of Jesus Christ.

When I fail to remember this, I need to remind myself of where it is my hope should lie. My hope should be built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. All my hope of eternal life should be built upon Him; Christ is in us, the hope of ALL glory!

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