Monday, September 22, 2008

How high and how wide...

Wow. This passage is just amazing. The promises are unending! Really – they stretch on for an eternity!

The first thing that struck me in this passage was in verse 16 Paul describes our being strengthened with power through His Spirit…and it just astounds me all over that I have THIS Spirit – the Spirit of the Living God strengthening me! Whom, then shall I fear? What sin can I not overcome? What trial can I not walk through with faithfulness, steadfastness and trusting in Him?

The second thing that stuck out to me was in verse 17 – that we are, “rooted and grounded in love.” Am I? Or a better question would be – do I live as if I am? How many times a day do my words, actions and thoughts declare that I am rebelling against the Love I have been rooted and grounded in? Where do my words, actions and thoughts become evidence of being rooted and grounded in Him? Am I aware of where this disconnect takes place? Oh Lord, open my eyes to see where what I am living does not line up to what You say I am!!! May I live a life worthy of Your calling!

Finally, I was stumped in verse 18 with the phrase “to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth.” Um…I can barely think on it let alone COMPREHEND it!!! This will be what we do for all eternity!! Can you see us then? Sitting around and interrupting each other to share more on the lengths of His love we have experienced?? Oh, happy day! Why do I not long for it even more? So while here on earth, it is a privilege to be able to scratch the surface – like in this study on Ephesians! What will the Spirit uncover tomorrow? How will He open our eyes to see more of His unfathomable love?

Oh, I found out that Covenant Life is doing a series on Ephesians! They’re in chapter one, but I can’t wait to listen to them! Click here.

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