Thursday, July 17, 2008

Da Plan

I bet you thought it would never come...but here it is at LONG last!

I am open to changing this, but seems like this will work best. Some large and some small segments to help get us through this. I have it planned to start Monday. You read the portion assigned to the day and then post on/comment on other's postings. If you miss a day, fine. I know that this on top of your already heavy read loads, may not fit into your schedule for that day. I am putting day 11 in there for point 3 in the sermon, as a recap as to what God has shown you through this study and if you want to comment on that point.

- Read the introduction up to his first point. (Don't comment/post on this)

How Did David Come By His Prayer?

Day 1: "He looked for it in his heart."
Day 2: "The best place in which to find a prayer is to find it in your heart."
Day 3: "Because his heart had been renewed by divine grace."
Day 4: "Because his was a believing heart."
Day 5: "A serious heart."
Day 6: "A humble heart."
Day 7: "Do you pray" - Three Paragraphs

How Came David's Prayer To Be In His Heart?

Day 8: "Because the Lord put it there."
Day 9: "By encouragement."
Day 10: "By a sense of his general goodness."

Day 11: Recap...What is your perspective on prayer now? How has your understanding grown or been challenged?

I hope this makes sense! Let me know if you have any questions. I am REALLY excited about this!