Monday, June 16, 2008

What's Next???


What should be are next topic or article??? Any ideas?

- The Aseity of God
- The Two Effects of the Gospel (Spurgeon Message)
- Prayer Found in the Heart (Spurgeon Message)

Let me know your thoughts!




Jennifer Lightfoot said...

am i allowed to read along??? :o) if it's not all boys this time?

Anonymous said...

Sure and participate

Scott A Anderson said...

Of course you're alowed in with us. It wasn't meant last time to be just the fellas, either. It just worked out that way.

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

sweet! then thanks! :o)

Jordan said...

So, what topic guys? Have any other suggestions...

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

whatever you guys want to do - im not picking. :o)

Marvin033 said...

I'm just a reader so I'll vote:)..I say you discuss the article on prayer..


Jordan said...

Ok...Decision will be made by the end of this week...

Scott A Anderson said...

I think the prayer message would be fitting considering the emphasis that the church leadership desires for us to have.

Jordan said...

Scott, I agree! I was thinking the same thing. Especially after Todd and Mike's message as well as our prayer meeting the other night. Prayer is an essentail part of our walk with God! No prayer = losing is a mark of sincerity in our lives.

I will make the link available shortly. I know you and Daniel will be gone, so we can start the discussion after you get back...