Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Numero 3

"One king was dead, but Isaiah was about to make contact with the King who never dies. One king had lost his power. Another never will. One king has seen his authority pass to the next generation. Another will rule from generation to generation. An earthly nation mourns the passing of its monarch. A heavenly nation praises the perpetuity of its monarch's reign. Uzziah's power was limited and fleeting. God's power is limitless and forever. Needless to say, the contrasts in v. 1 are striking."

How often we view ourselves and even others as all-powerful beings. In our pride we can say "I am good at..." "He/She does....well" "I am invincible!" This can lead us to think we are the ultimate authority and we put our hope in all the wrong places and things that pass away. But this is foolishness! He is the one who NEVER changes and who is ALWAYS there. Whatever good we do, it is allowed by the Heavenly Father. He is so high above us in every way, yet He reveals Himself to us. Maybe not like He did to Isaiah, but in many other ways that should draw us closer and have more awe of Him.

He is perfectly holy, having no need for us who are the exact opposite. So, when He allows us to see Him, will respond as Isaiah? Or will we be so caught up in ourselves that we ignore or quickly stop looking. We are a unclean people apart from Jesus Christ's saving work on the Cross. That is the only way we can enter in to the presence of such a Holy God!

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