Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What You May Have Assumed Was Coming

Greetings friends. Jordan and myself have discussed how to proceed with this blog, and have come to the conclusion that it is time to lay it down. The reality is that neither of us has time we can set aside to post regularly. In light of that unfortunate truth, we will lay this blog down. We will leave it active, as we'll re-evaluate what we can do early next year. Thank you to those who contributed to our studies here. It was a very fruitful time and I am grateful for each one of you who was involved.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Update of Sorts...


Happy New Year! I hope you all are doing well! Just a quick update on the blog. I have been very busy this month will be in the months ahead. I know Scott is as well. So, at this point the blog is on hold...Thank you all for participating and an email will be sent out if we do another article. God Bless!!!